Legal notice

Website editor: SWISSTRAX Europe

The company AB-FLOOR registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Compiègne, whose registered office is located 18 Rue neuve – ZI – 60400 Crisolles – France

  • Phone number: 03 64 60 12 12
  • VAT number: FR93827966904
  • Siret number: 827 966 904 00027

Website realization: agence web AntheDesign

Website hosting : OVH 59100 Roubaix – France

The website is the full property of the company AB-FLOOR. this website constitutes a work of which AB-FLOOR is the author according to the code of intellectual property. All data, images and information on this site belong to AB-FLOOR and are protected by Copyright and the Intellectual Property Code.

Any user of this website undertakes not to use or reproduce all the content for illegal or inappropriate purposes. Any use of information on our website for professional or private purposes must have our written consent.

The use of information, images, videos without our written consent constitutes fraud akin to counterfeiting. AB-FLOOR cannot be held responsible for the completeness of the information available at

Users are solely responsible for their use of all content on the website

SWISSTRAX Europe is an activity of the company AB-FLOOR with a capital of 632,500 €, a 100% French company.

pictures credits :

  • SWISSTRAX Europe